Sunday, September 9, 2007

Help! I'm an I living in an E world!

When I am afraid, I will put my trust in You. In God, whose word I praise, in God I have put my trust; I shall not be afraid. What can mere man do to me? Psalm 56:3-4

Parts of our FPO (Field Personnel Orientation) experience have been fun, parts have been very moving, parts have been very enlightening. And parts have been reality checks about the world in which we live and to which we are going. These verses have taken on so much meaning for me in the last three days. I will not be afraid. I refuse to be afraid. My Father will guide me in every situation, and everything that happens to me (or more importantly, to my children) has been sifted through His righteous right hand. I will not be afraid. He is mighty, He is big, and above all, He is faithful. That's what I've learned to rely on in the last three days.

Another thing I learned this week is about my personality. If you've never done a Meyers-Briggs personality profile, it's so interesting to do one and then see how your personality lines up with what you think of yourself. I know this will surprise everyone who knows us, but it turns out that Marc and I are pretty much polar opposites. Surprise!!! The two areas that were especially opposite were introvert/extrovert (He's an E, I'm an I), and perceiving/judging (He's a P, I'm a J). Perceiving means he's a person who loves spontaneity and fun and does not really cherish order. Judging means I'm a person who loves order (has anyone out there seen my checklist?). Again, is this a surprise to anyone? It wasn't a surprise to us at all, but it was really interesting to hear them talk about how to use this tool on the field, not only with nationals, but especially with team members who have different personality types. It hit us both pretty much on the head, though I came out as a Feeler--someone who makes decisions based on people's feelings--and I've always come out as a Thinker before. I was just barely a Feeler, though. Marc was a definite Feeler. Again, he cares so much about people that it wasn't a huge shock to anyone that his type came out that way. What it did emphasize to me was the grace with which God chooses our life partners. Certainly, there are moments when being opposites makes life hard. We don't always respond to each other the way the other person wants us to respond. However, 99% of the time we are such great complements for one another. If I'm a Feeler, I guarantee you it's because I've been married to the kindest, most compassionate man alive for 17 years. Every day we are together, I am more and more overwhelmed by the great gift God has given me in Marc. I honestly don't know any woman alive who is more loved or treated better than I am. I never let my feet hit the floor without thanking God for Marc.

Well, I smell muffins in the next room, which likely means the muffins I'm baking are just about done. John and Hannah are still asleep--they played with their friends at the playground last night for two hours, and then we had an old-fashioned ice cream social with some friends. Last night was so nice--the guys found a room with a tv and watched the Texas A & M game (Marc had already watched Oklahoma tear up Miami), and a bunch of wives just sat out and talked and talked and laughed last night at the playground. I am so thankful for the women here. Nobody has anything to prove. Nobody has to know more than anyone else. It's just a very, very encouraging environment. How I appreciate the people in my life who are being used by God to mold and shape me into the woman He created me to be. In an odd coincidence, one of the ladies I sat with last night is from the church where my cousin Chris and his wife Christi attend. It was so fun to hear her talk about people I love so much. It made me smile to think of them.

Well, my friends, muffins await, so I must go. If you're an I living in an E world like I am--try to talk to someone today. If you're an E living in an E world--try NOT to talk to somebody today. Know that you are loved and prayed for! Blessings!


Anonymous said...

We love you both because of who you are!

Anonymous said...

Hey, Kellye!

Becky emailed me your blog site and told me to read this entry. What fun!! Now, I'm curious who you were talking to. Anyway, I hope things will move along quickly for you all with all of the paperwork and things. We will be praying for you and for all of the people that you will touch. How exciting to be such of part of "Kingdom Business!!"

Christi Kennedy