Sunday, September 30, 2007

How great is our God!

Now to Him who is able to do far more abundantly beyond all that we ask or think, according to the power that works within us, to Him be the glory in the church and in Christ Jesus to all generations forever and ever. Amen. Ephesians 3:20-21

When we pray, we pray as human beings. We cannot in our wildest dreams imagine the mind of God, nor can we know His purposes. This was brought home to us on Friday. We have asked everyone to pray about our visas, and we really were praying to be out the 10th or 11th, since we would only be delayed about a week. Earlier in the week, we had received word that our visas were due to be in the 3rd or 4th, so we thought that a reasonable date to pray for would be a week out from that. But, my friends, our God is not reasonable--he is abundantly compassionate and merciful! He controls not just the natural things around us--the creation--but paperwork and government workers, too.

On Friday, at the close of the morning session, our boss handed us a piece of paper with three statements/questions. At the top, it had the name of the person who does overseas travel for the IMB. Then it had the following: 1. We have the Hooks visas. 2. We rebooked them for the 3rd. 3. Is that okay? I literally gasped so loudly that Marc thought someone had died (I couldn't stop just waving the little piece of paper around!).

So here's the big news: we leave here, as scheduled, on Wednesday. That's right--this time next week, I will be waking up in Moscow. (Actually, I'll probably be doing the afternoon dishes, since it's eight hours ahead.) But do you see how big our God is? We prayed reasonable prayers, and he delivered miraculous results. If you don't see this as a miracle, you simply need to ask someone who has had to travel to Russia how long it takes to get their visa. Ours were processed in 6 days. That's just not done. Yet, God wanted us on the field at a specific time, and He made it happen.

Here's what I'm praying for today--open my eyes, Lord, to the possibilities in the world. I have prayed diligently for our neighbors in Russia. But Lord, make me pray big prayers for a big city. Help me to see what You can do, and not minimize you to the reasonable or logical. You are capable of anything. Maybe the reason we haven't reached the nations with the good news is simply that we haven't prayed big enough prayers. Forgive us, Lord. Forgive us for that.

So, today, I challenge you to pray giant prayers to our giant God. He is waiting to show you who He is. He certainly showed us this week! I love each of you so much. Blessings!

1 comment:

"Miss" Clair said...

He is a Great God!!! Can't wait to hear from you when your in Moscow!!:)