Look among the nations! Observe! Be astonished! Wonder! Because I am doing something in your days--you would not believe if you were told. Habakkuk 1:5
Well, my friends...it's been a while. I am usually a more faithful writer than I have been since I wrote last a month ago! But between our trip to Austria, Marc and Sarah Beth's trip to Russia (leaving me as a single parent), and my teaching schedule, which has me out of the house teaching something most days...well, I've been busy. I'm only able to write this morning because I let the kids stay up kind of late last night, and they are still asleep. Those of you who know John certainly know that once he's up and going, there is little time (or quiet) for thinking reflectively and writing.
I'm working through a Bible study with some of the ladies here in Prague which focuses on God's greatness. I'm enjoying the study, which is written by James McDonald, and I'm daily amazed at the things I'm learning about God that I thought I already knew. It's not that there are big revelations to me, but more that at a time in our lives where we are constantly seeking God's will for what is next for us, I am in a position to see how God is above all and in charge of all. When we decided to come to the field five or so years ago, it was a major shock to our systems, because the future suddenly didn't look like we thought it would look. Now, as we wind down this term (our leave date is August 10) and contemplate what God has for us, we are, again, faced with a future that may not look exactly like we planned. And it's not that we weren't listening to God when we made plans, because we were. I just think that maybe we don't always dream big enough or see the world in the way He does. We see the world and the future through human eyes, because that's what we have, and it's hard to see through His eyes.
I would be lying if I said thoughts about the future haven't stressed us out a little. Not knowing exactly what's next...well, I'm a type-A girl, and not knowing makes me CRAZY! But there is comfort in this--we've said yes to whatever He has for us, and He has a plan. And His plan is better than anything we could dream up for ourselves. It might not be easier than anything we could dream up for ourselves, but it's definitely better. We know, because we've been on the front row for the amazing things He's done in the last five years of our lives, and He never fails us nor forsakes us. It turns out when He said in the Bible that He wouldn't do that...He wasn't kidding. Those weren't just nice words. He's a God of His Word. He can be trusted. So we trust and obey. And we try not to think too much about where we'll be this time next year, because we know He has a clear view of what we cannot see right now.
Well, Hannah is awake, so it's time for me to get going. Wherever you are in the world, I pray that you are trusting the God of Everything with the things you cannot see, and that the forecast for your part of the world does not include snow. Blessings to you and yours!
1 comment:
So good to "see" you this morning, have missed your blog!! Love ya:)
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