Sunday, May 31, 2009

Saying yes to whatever He has

Sarah Beth and the boys at graduation. She loves these guys...and so do we!
Sarah Beth and the girls--Amanda and Tina. Great friends who have made this a great year.
Hannah and her friend, Amielle. These two love each other so much!
Me and my Rebecca at graduation. Beck was the valedictorian...we are all so proud of her and ALL the graduates at HCA.

My soul, wait in silence for God only, for my hope is from Him. He only is my rock and my salvation, my stronghold; I shall not be shaken. On God my salvation and my glory rest; the rock of my strength, my refuge is in God. Trust in Him at all times, O people; pour out your heart before Him; God is a refuge for us. Psalm 62:5-8

I don't know what it's like where you are, but it is a gorgeous morning in Moscow. Sunshine, blue skies...the sound of dump trucks below my kitchen's all filling my soul with happiness. Okay, maybe not the dump trucks, but the rest is definitely good. It's been quite a week. Finals all week, awards and graduation on Friday, a farewell picnic and talent show on makes me tired to even write about it! But it was a great week, and now we are focused on getting ourselves ready for our move to Prague at the end of this month. In there, we also have a week in Greece, so we really only have three weeks to get ourselves ready. This morning, that doesn't feel like a lot of time.

If you pay attention to what is going on in Southern Baptist life at all, you are aware that the IMB has drastically cut appointments for the rest of this year and next year. Unfortunately, that means a lot of uncertainty has just entered our lives. How will this impact us? What will our next step look like, if we aren't appointed? Where do we go from here? It's enough to keep a worrier like me up at night, but I'm sleeping pretty well. You know why? Because God knew. He knew this was going to happen. He knows the next step. He knows what our year in Prague will be like. He knows the ups and downs, the uncertainties and certainties that we are facing. And He has it all under control. That doesn't mean we aren't thinking about it and wondering what the future holds. But it does mean that we aren't worrying about it. He'll make our path clear, and whatever it is, He'll provide for us what we have to have to take the next step. We love our life in Europe, but if the States is where He wants us next, then we'll happily go there. We aren't shaken, because He is unshakeable. So we pack, and we sell, and we pray that He will find us faithful no matter where He sends us next.

Well, speaking of packing--I must get moving in that direction. Wherever you are in the world, I pray that you are standing firm in the One who holds the world in His mighty right hand, and that you are looking forward to dinner with the girls tomorrow night, too. Blessings to you and yours!


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