Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Counting the cost

We will abandon it all for the sake of the call. No other reason at all, but the sake of the call. Wholly devoted to live and to die for the sake of the call. "The Sake of the Call" by Steven Curtis Chapman

I heard this old song last night on Marc's iPod, and was taken with it once again. My favorite part of the song is the first verse, which talks about the disciples following Jesus. "Empty nets lying there at the water's edge told a story that few could believe and none could explain. How some crazy fishermen agreed to go where Jesus led with no thought for what they could gain, for Jesus had called them by name." Do you know what it's like when Jesus calls your name? He does call, every single day, to you. Are you listening? Every morning, listen to Him. What is He calling you to do? He's calling me to leave everything, and that might scare you and make you not want to hear HIm. It's a daunting prospect. But I promise you this--what He calls you to do, He equips you to do. He is ever faithful and trustworthy. He did not call me to Africa (my great fear as a college student--the humidity and its impact on my hair were my main issues), but He called me to someplace He gave me a heart for long ago. He has been at work a long time for just such a time as this. How is He working in your life?

My pastor's sermon on Sunday was hard. "Peter, do you love me more than these?" As Alan swept his arm around, discussing what Jesus might have meant by "these," I looked around. "Kellye, do you love me more than your beloved church? your career? your singing? your precious sisters? your adored aunt and uncle? the parents you treasure? Do you love me more than these?" Last night, after saying goodbye to my sisters and not knowing when I will see them again, with my face down on the kitchen table while I sobbed, I heard Him again. "Kellye, do you love me more than these? And even more, Kellye, do you trust me with these?" Yes, Lord, I do. You are faithful. You are compassionate. You are full of grace. But it is HARD. It is beat my head against the wall hard, Lord. "Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth. The LORD Almighty is with [you]; the God of Jacob is [your] fortress." (Psalm 46: 10-11) And suddenly, the sobbing stopped. He is God. He can be trusted with my family, with those I adore the most. He is sovereign. His plan is perfect. It is not easy, but it is perfect. Amen.

Last night, we received even more information on our apartment. We even got to sort of look at it on google earth. There is a HUGE park nearby. We are less than a mile (about a kilo) from the metro. And the address, for me at least, is funny. It is on a street with the Russian word for academia in it. Come on...that's kind of funny. A little wink from God, perhaps? He knows how I love a good pun, and to live on academia street after years of being a teacher...He's funny.

I'm off to pack some stuff today. Pray for me--it's a daunting task to decide what stays and what goes. But it must be done and it must be done soon. Thanks for reading this. I have no idea why anyone would find the random ramblings of my somewhat addled brain remotely interesting, but I'm really flattered that you do. Blessings to you and yours!


Anonymous said...

know that you are not going alone but your whole church is with you. That is why we reed because we are with you. don't fret when you need someone God is with you and so are we. You are loved my friend and we are right by your side. so let else know what we are doing and i can't wait see and hear what we are doing on our new adventure. Have a blessed day.

Karen Beamish

Anonymous said...

Just wanted you to know I felt the same way as you about the sermon on Sunday. He was asking me if I loved you more than him. Or did I know what was better for you than he does. Puts alot in perspective about the whole thing, huh? Makes you remember who is in charge, and gives you a peace because he is in charge.

We have to do something about these time postings? haha 2:30 a.m. does that time really exist?????

Love you,
