Friday, June 1, 2007

My brain is full

Okay...if you know me at all, you know that I love a list. I love everything about a list...crossing off what I've done, making the list in the morning, checking it midday...I love a list. So imagine my horror to find that there is so much to think about, so much to do, that I simply cannot wrap my brain around it to make a list of things that must be done. I am, frankly, overwhelmed by the amount of stuff there is to do. I literally prayed this morning that God would help me come up with a list and not be so overwhelmed by everything. That's right...I spent time this morning praying about a list. Does that worry you? I guess I figured if His eye is on the sparrow, He was certainly concerned about my list. I'm glad my God is big enough to handle the list, but still interested in the fact that I need one.

Today was day one of the garage sale. What an interesting experience it is to sell everything one owns. I kind of enjoy garage sales, if only because it's fun to see all kinds of different people as they pile through the junk that's sitting all over the place. It's not as fun to realize that this is only step one of the process of selling all that we own to follow God across the globe. It's not grant to figure out that we really are getting rid of a lifetime of possessions. But at the end of the day, these are just things. Marc, Sarah Beth, Hannah, and John--these are priceless treasures. Everything else is just stuff.

Well, it's late, and Boo Boo and I (and a snoring Daddy) are watching Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkiban. Some things never get old. Tomorrow, we will try once again to get rid of everything we have, one dime at a time. And I will begin again to trust God with the list. Blessings to you and yours!


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